Pi and Pythagoras
Here's a reason why ¹ is interesting: Everyone knows
it's 3.14159265358...etc, and since that's cumbersome you might just want to
write it as approximately 22/7, which comes out to 3.142857142857...etc, which
is a little too high. So maybe it would be more accurate to write 22/7 as the
exact equivalent 220/70, and make that a tiny bit lower, like say nudge it down
to 219/70. Now that comes out to 3.12857142857...etc, which is a little too
small. Well then use another exact equivalent like 2200/700 instead, and nudge
THAT down a little to 2199/700, a much smaller change, now 3.14142857143...etc
-- oops, still too small. Well you can get closer and closer approximations by
doing that with smaller and smaller changes, but you'll never find ANY two
numbers (well, integers) that give exactly ¹ when you divide them. It's
irrational -- literally "not a ratio" of other numbers. It can't be
made from other numbers and can't "line up with" other numbers.
Like, say you have a circle and you measure its
diameter to be 10 feet and its circumference to be 10¹ feet (approximately
31.415926 feet, but we mean EXACTLY 10¹ feet since the ratio of the circle's
circumference to diameter is ¹, by definition). If you lay out a room that is
10 feet long by 10¹ feet wide, then you can never cover that floor with square
tiles, because the tiles' length and width are in the same units (being
literally the same). Look, if they were square tiles that were 1 foot on each
side, you'd say, of course you can't -- you can fit 31 of them across the width
of the room, but then you'd have .415926...etc feet left untiled along the
whole edge. So use smaller square tiles, that will work won't it? Maybe use
tiles that are just 1 inch across. That'll fill in a bunch of that uncovered
space, but it won't fill it exactly and there will still be some untiled floor.
Fine, just use smaller and smaller tiles, at some point it will be fine enough
tiling to fill in all the space exactly, right? Nope, never ever. The tiles can
be 1 mm squares, or 1 billionth of an inch, and they will never exactly cover
that width, because the width (the original circle's circumference) can't be
measured in units of the length (the original circle's diameter). If it could,
that would be a ratio, which ¹ is not. You can make the room 10 million miles
long by 10¹ million miles wide, and make your tiles just one square atom in
size, and they won't cover that floor exactly.
The fact that there are irrational numbers like this
drove Pythagoras nuts because he had a whole philosophy, a religion
practically, that depended on numbers being the basic building blocks of the
universe, and then it turned out you couldn't even measure all the NUMBERS in
terms of each other, never mind the rest of the universe.
"Irrational" in the non-mathematical sense still means "outside
of what is rational", or outside of the way we think of things fitting
Here's a reason why ¹ is NOT interesting though: it
turns out MOST numbers are irrational. They're not some weird subset that
doesn't fit in with the integers, they're actually the norm. So, ho-hum, the
nerd holiday "Pi Day" (March 14 is "3/14") is a day to
celebrate yet another irrational number with a non-repeating decimal notation,
of which there are infinitely many. Someone should try to memorize all those
other digits for once.